
(ICCV 2017) Semantic image synthesis via adversarial learning

Reed S E, Akata Z, Mohan S, et al. Learning what and where to draw[C]//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2016: 217-225.

1. Overview

In this paper, it attempted to synthesis and meet two requirements

disentangle the semantic information from two modalities and generate new images from the combined semantics.

  • realistic while matching the target text description
  • maintain other image features that are irrelevant to the text description
  • deterministic networks
  • VAE
  • autoregression
  • VAE
  • GAN

2. Methods

2.1. Architecture

  • CA technique from StackGAN
  • residual. output image would retain similar structure of the source image

2.2. Adaptive Loss for Semantic Image Synthesis

  • +. positive
  • -. negative

2.3. Loss Function

2.4. Improving Image Feature Representation

  • pretrained VGG of conv4

2.5. Visual-Semantic Text Embedding

  • pair-wise ranking loss

3. Experiments

3.1. Details

  • 0.0002 Adam with 0.5 momentum, decrease by 0.5
  • batch size 64
  • flipping, rotating, zooming, cropping

3.2. Comparison

3.3. Interpolation

3.4. Variety